Games Proposal Project 1 - Week 3

This week saw me developing a few Action Blocks in order to quickly prototype spaces.
Post-pitch I wrote a list of level limitations, these are all the beats that each Action Block needed to hit.

- Indoor/Outdoor - Respawn tend to use both exterior and interior elements in their explorable spaces. I wanted to include this in my Action Blocks so I could encourage more space being investigated
- Reset Power - I wanted players to have an actionable goal within the space. Simply "reach the next part" wasn't sufficient. The idea of power being off meant that there could be spaces that players had to wait to explore until they had powered things back up.
- Gunplay - I wanted there to be living obstacles they needed to interact with. While it wasn't important to fully contextualise them, the basic idea is that they are in the players way and they can only proceed by gunning them down.
- Moving Elements - This part was intergral for the whole play experience. I wanted skill tests for players when it comes to platforming and having moving elements, such as platforms, meant there was more interactivity needed within the world.
- Epic Spaces - Respawn use huge spaces with multiple moving parts that look enormous and awe-inspiring in many ways. I wanted to give an element of this within the play space, even if just to add a bit of depth to the level.

With these limitations in place, I can really focus on enjoyable spaces with clear flow and interactivity.

(A quick Action Block Sequence)


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