Games Proposal Brief 2: Location, Location, Location

After a brief hiatus for Reflection Week, I came back inspired to work on something I find fascinating! A breaking and entering game based around the repatriation of artefacts in the British Museum that were stolen by the British Empire. I'll admit, it's a very "hear me out" concept, but I felt like it didn't have enough to warrent interesting gameplay. This is where I came up with the "through time" idea. Imagine replacing artefacts with fakes in the museum, they'd clock on eventually, right? What if, you had time travel capabilities, but it was limited to a single location per device? Such as, the British Museum. This is where my "hear me out" went up another level. I started thinking about the kind of gameplay you could use if you had a device to manipulate time (in some ways) for a short period. Boosting time around yourself to allow you to run really fast for a short jump? This could let you boost over small gaps. Pausing time under your foot so the particles there become solid? That would give you a kind of double jump! What if the device you have could fire something that temporarily freezes time on a single item or person? You could stun any guards that find you, meaning the game just became non-lethal! Making this concept, I started to get pretty excited about the posibilities! I had a few core mechanics I knew I could make into an interesting gameplay loop and I had a setting that I knew I could make exciting to traverse through. Now I just needed to draw up some ideas for getting through the loop. I bit off more than I could chew with the last brief and was given feedback that it lacked clear direction/purpose. So I wanted to dial everything down and really focus on the single loop for this piece. I'm genuinely excited to move forwards with this one! I feel like there's a lot to explore!


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