Games Proposal Project 1 - Week 2

This week has seen a lot of development. Having pitched my idea I recieved good feedback and considerations for implementation.

I started straight away on developing simple mechanics so I could dive straight in to creating Action Blocks. With that in place I created a simple wall run and slide mechanic that could be used to traverse over flipping platforms, these can later be used as part of the manufacturing process within the context of the game.

I developed an action block based on flow, this section could be used at the beginning of the level as it is not too complex, but requires players to understand the mechanic overall.

I was warned that wall running was used a lot in previous years and that I should develop it with purpose. That is why I came up with the idea of "magnetised boots". These seem to get used a lot in sci fi works but I think this could work within the game.
This also got me thinking about how someone who runs along walls with magboots would traverse a space. They would probably not limit themselves to just running on walls and might use ceilings and otherspaces to walk upside down and utilise all spaces. This is when I looked for the "Ninja Character Plugin". This plugin allows for players to do EXACTLY what I was after.
With that made, I will be spending the whole of next week developing action blocks and using them to develop a playable space. I can quickly use these to playtest and move on to creating a fun level for players to take on.


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