Honours Project 1 - Week 2

The last week has been spent blocking out the initial design and altering any areas that I feel need work as I see them in a 3D space. I'm beginning to see that this level is going to be quite large and might take a couple of weeks to get every area built to a decent standard. But I also feel that as it takes shape, it's going to be a lot of fun to run around in!
I am going to spend the next few days finishing the blockout and then spend some time within engine figuring out what mechanics I'll need to work on in order to traverse the area properly. I know for a fact that I'll need to work out how allow players to crawl through ventilation systems (heavily inspired by Metal Gear Solid!) While I've been blocking this level out, I have also been listening to a few talks on design for stealth games, including a great talk at GDC on the subject by Randy Smith which has given me a lot to think about.


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