Games Proposal Week 3: Begin Again

Following my pitch meeting I realised I hadn't been deliberate enough with my design decisions. So I went back to the drawing board! Then it came to me: A puzzle-platformer based on the branching pathways of neural networks (or even Unreal Engines own blueprints!) – players have a brief moment to plot their pathway from multiple pathways ahead of them in the form of platforms. All pathways can be successfully passed, but some are more difficult to get through than others. These require a lot of precision from players in the incredibly short time they spend on the platforms to make their decisions going forward. I spent a lot of time after my pitch meeting dissecting my design to give it more clarity and direction. Once I’d come up with the concept, I drew out a level to map out how the new mechanical ideas would interact with the level.
Feeling more confident with my idea I head back into Unreal to map it out in 3D space and begin attempting to create the mechanics. This design felt a lot more honed and deliberate so I felt much more confident moving forward! Reflection: I spent a lot of time this week playing catch up with myself. This is an incredibly frustrating thing to work through but needed in order to progress.


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