Games Proposal Project 1 - Week 4

This week saw only a little progression due to illness, but still some steps forward!
I developed 3 additional Action Blocks and implemented the best parts of them into my overall design which I also started this week.
Using Action Blocks has meant that every step of the way I have been prototyping, playtesting and iterating. I've been super quick to move on from failed ideas and much less precious of my work.
This process has meant that everything feels more interesting and coherant and that I can develop larger spaces in much less time.
Because of this approach, I genuinely feel I'll be done with my level by the end of next week to present the week after. I have accomplished much more than I could have expected in spite of being unwell.

The following week will be additional development of more features and potentially just clarifying more about the critical path and guiding the players.


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