Games Proposal Week 2: Pitch Week

This was the week of the pitch, I decided to go for a single page pitch document as I felt I could get all of my ideas down in a single place which would make my presentation easier for me. I spent a lot of time in-engine trying to mechanically build a playable version of the level I had already mapped out on paper.
The game concept was originally a simple parkour game, similar to games such as Vector. But with each reaction to obstacles being tackled with a different use of the single button. Short-press for a jump, long-press to grab onto ledges, double-tap to use jump pads and a triple-tap to roll through breakable obstacles. After my pitch, Rhoda and Pete raised some very valid points about the overuse of this kind of game and that I wasn’t necessarily adding anything new to the concept. Reflection: I felt a little annoyed with myself for falling into design pitfall number 1: don’t fall in love with your first idea. While I didn’t plan on completely scrapping the idea, I know there are some decisions I needed to tweak and really hone into something clear.


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