Games Proposal. Week 1: Ideation

For this brief I have a week to come up with a pitch and then four weeks to create a game using the prompt of only using a single input option. From an accessibility perspective, single button games can accommodate for many people and are inclusive of some people with physical disabilities. But from a design perspective, I found that this is one of the more technical challenges we have for a brief, its limitations make the design process crucial.
This week I focused my attention on collecting different ideas for games using the brief limitations. I started with the idea of a fighting game, where different combos were done using a sequence of long and short presses of the input control. And while this concept had some weight, I felt that as a level designer I would be removing my biggest strength. Ultimately, I moved to the idea of a platform game, I felt that this lent itself with the brief well as different input combinations could be used to perform certain movements, such as long-pressing to slide under barriers or double-tapping for to roll through other obstacles. Reflection: In retrospect, this was probably not the best choice of brief to start on. I didn't give myself enough of a chance to look through all of the options before beginning this one!


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