
Showing posts from January, 2024

Honours Project 2 - Week 6

This week I have continued to build the level out. I have made some major changes to the camera as well as adding more to the blockout as discussed last week. I have been changing the final section of the level as I felt it didn't add anything to gameplay and was just dragging play out for the sake of it. I am also going to be looking into cinematics soon to add information for players about progression and to make gameplay feel more seamless. I am mostly at the iteration and playtesting stage of development, so updates may become a touch more infreqent over the next few weeks

Honours Project 2 - Week 5

After an extended time of being ill and the Christmas break I am finally back to business! The initial blockout phase is complete and will be iterated on as I continue playtesting. So far feedback is that there is not enough information for players to follow and due to the odd camera angle they are getting lost quickly and frequently. I will fix this by adding an element to the player to fix the camera angle so the player is less confused when looking at the screen. I will also add more signposting within the level itself to help direct the player more.