
Showing posts from October, 2020

Top Down Level Design Mapping

  This week I have mostly been working on my top-down level design work. I spent a long time deep-diving into the start of the Iraq War in 2003. Mostly into the lead up to the first invasion of Iraq and what other events could have been unfolding under the cover of the first days of the war. Plastic Fabricator Baghdad  I had in my head this mad idea that there could be a completely hidden covert operation happening at the same time that would never have been detected in the chaos of the invasion. This quickly escalated into my main focus for the setting and mission information.  2003 was still within the early days of mass public availability of the internet; Illegal file-sharing, forums, and chat rooms were largely unpoliced due to the inability to contain the wildfire. This is the perfect ignition point for a spy film, book, or game. Super secret files end up being sent to somewhere they definitely shouldn't be and the big agencies start to sweat, a tale as old as time! My initi